Najveća zbirka Hrvatskih pjesama na internetu! The largest collection of Croatian songs on the internet! |
Ovo je najduže razdoblje između ažuriranja u povijesti web stranice, gotovo godinu dana! Ispričavamo se što smo uzeli toliko vremena i nadamo se da će vam se svidjeti nove pjesme i ispravke. Biti će još više (ovaj put ranije, nadamo se!).
This is the longest period between updates in the history of the website, almost a year! We apologize for taking so long, and hope you like the updates. More to come (sooner this time, we hope!).
Posted by Webmaster, 18 Mar 21
Našli smo se i mi u kvarantani za vrijeme ovoga virusa, i vrijeme za još jedan dodatak! Preko 400 pjesama. Nadamo se da će vam i dopasti novi izgled stranice. U biti, ovo je bilo spremno prije tri godine, ali neke stvari smo morali ispraviti. Javite nam ako vam se sviđa ili ne. Uživajte!
We have also found ourselves in quarantine due to this virus, and it's time for another additon! Over 400 more songs. We hope you will also enjoy the new look for the site! This was actually ready three years ago, but several tweaks were still needed. Let us know what you think. Enjoy, and stay safe!
Posted by Webmaster, 20 Mar 20
Prvi dodatak ovoga ljeta! Nakon malo više uloženog vremena uspijeli smo u dva puta za malo više od nedjelju dana dodati po 200 nekoliko pjesama. Što se tiće ispravljenje tekstova, došli smo do R. Naravno, nismo ni mi savršeni, pa ako vidite greške javite nam. Isto, prije dvije godine započeli smo sa novim izgledom stranica kojeg nismo završili. Možda se i to završi do kraja ljeta... pazite stranicu!
First addition of the summer! After being able to dedicate some more time we have managed--in two uploads, to add over 200 songs each time. As for spell checking the site, we have reached the Rs. Of course, we're not perfect; if you see an error please email us. And finally, two ears ago we embarked on a new layout for the site, which has not yet been completed. Hopefully that gets done for the summer... stay tuned!
Posted by Webmaster, 23 Jul 19
Prije par tjedana dodali smo 350 pjesama, a zaboravili smo poduzeti cijelu proceduru za dodavnje. Eto, konačno smo i to stigli, za prvi dodatak za 2019. Pozdrav svim posjetiteljima!
So, several weeks ago we uploaded 350 songs, but we didn't go through the complete process of adding them to the database. Finally, we've done it! The first addition for 2019. Hello to all our visitors!
Posted by Webmaster, 9 Apr 19
A jeste se načekali za ovaj dodatak! Evo vam preko 600 pjesama. Ispričavamo se što je uzelo ovako dugo, ovoga ljeta smo bili u Hrvatskoj i dožili smo šok kad nam je umro naš najdraži Oliver Dragojević. Bili smo u Splitu za njegov poslijedni ispraćaj, i to će nam uvijek ostati u sjećanju. Uzelo nas je malo da dođemo k sebi. Danas bi mu bio 71. rođendan, i zauvijek će biti dio nas, naše glazbe, i naših života. Adio, legendo!
My goodness you waited a long time for this addition! Here are over 600 songs. We apologize for the delay in getting this addition in, this summer we were in Croatia and lived through the passing of our dear Oliver Dragojević. We were in Split for his final sendoff, and experience that we will never forget. It took us a while to get back into the mood to deal with music. Today would've been his 71st birthday, and we mess him. He will also be a part of us, our music, and our lives. Farewell to a great legend!
Posted by Webmaster, 7 Dec 18
Evo, nakon par mjeseci, dodatak od preko 500 pjesama. Zaslužili ste! Uživajte, i nadamo se još jednog dodatka tokom ljeta.
Here you go, after a few months, over 500 songs added. You deserve it! Enjoy, and we hope to have one more addition during the summer.
Posted by Webmaster, 17 May 18
Sretan nova! Evo prvi dodatak za novu 2018. godinu. S ovim dodatkom smo prešli 15,000 pjesama! Uživajte!
Happy new year! Here's the first addition for 2018. With this addition we have passed the 15,000 song mark! Enjoy!
Posted by Webmaster, 28 Jan 18
Taman na vrijeme za početak nove školske godine, još 320 pjesama, što znaći 1000 pjesama ovoga ljeta... uživajte! Uskoro još jedna velika iznenada, navratite opet za par dana!
Just in time for the start of the new school year, another 320 songs, which means 1000 songs this summer... enjoy! And soon there will be one more big surprise; drop by the site again in a few days!
Posted by Webmaster, 31 Aug 17
U nas zadnjih par dana sama kiša... dobra prilika da se još ovdje nešto dodaje... preko 300 pjesama!
Here where we are there's been rain the last few days... a good opportunity for an addition... over 300 songs!
Posted by Webmaster, 4 Aug 17
Dva puta za tri dana! Vjerujte nam, neće se to opet ponoviti... :-)
Two times in three days! Believe is, that won't happen again... :-)
Posted by Webmaster, 14 Jul 17
Evo za početak ljeta još 373 novih pjesama. Nadamo se da ćemo imati još dva dodataka prije rujna!
Here for the start of summer, 373 new songs. Hopefully we will have another addition or two before September!
Posted by Webmaster, 11 Jul 17
Evo još 345 pjesama za vašu razonodu.
Here are 345 songs for your enjoyment!
Posted by Webmaster, 12 Mar 17
Evo, nakon dugo, dugo vremena... prvi dodatak za 2017. godinu! Dodali smo preko 500 pjesama.... uživajte!
Here you go after a long, long time... the first addition for 2017! We have added over 500 songs, enjoy!
Posted by Webmaster, 28 Jan 17
Dobro vam došlo ljeto 2016.! Iako je ispala repka is Eura, i Čilić je jučer poražen, mi spremamo nove dodatke da imate svoje najomiljenije pjesme pri ruci. Ako što fali, javite nam!
Welcome to the summer of 2016! Even if our repka has made an exit from the Euros, and Čilić lost yesterday, we are preparing new additions so that you have your favourite songs at hand. If something is missing, let us know!
Posted by Webmaster, 7 July 16
Evo još jedan update. Uživajte! Hvala još jednom LOLI koja je nekidan poslala nam još veliki sažetak pjesama!
Here's another update. Enjoy! Many thanks to LOLA who recently sent along another large selection of songs!
Posted by Webmaster, 7 Feb 16
Vratija se barba iz Amerike... ne, iz Hrvatske! Bilo je fantastično! Evo još 400 pjesama, pa guštajte!
I'm back from Croatia! And it was fantastic! Here are 400 more songs, enjoy!
Posted by Webmaster, 7 Sep 15
Evo na brzinu još jedan dodatak! Skoro 350 novih pjesama, još mnogo ispravljeni, i zahvaljući vašoj pomoći pronašli smo izvođače za neke pjesme što su pod upitnikom za izvođača. Ako vidite još grešaka, slobodno nam se obratite!
Here is another quick addition! Nearly 350 new songs, many more have been corrected, and thanks to your help we have identified the singers to many more songs that are currently listed under the question mark. If you see any errors, please contact us!
Posted by Webmaster, 11 Apr 15
Danas je još preko 300 pjesama dodano, i u zadnjih par dana preko 200 pjesama ispravljeno. Hvala svima na ispravke, stići ćemo uskoro vaše promijene uvažiti! Velika hvala "Loli Osječkoj" na gomili pjesama što name je poslala u zadnje 2-3 godine... još imamo dosta toga dodati!
Today more than 300 songs were added, and in the last few days over 200 songs were proofread. Thank you to everyone for the corrections, soon we will make the changes! A huge thank you to "Lola from Osijek" for the huge pile of songs she has sent us over the last 2-3 years... plenty more of those still need to be added!
Posted by Webmaster, 19 Mar 15
Sretna nova! Evo 400 novih!
Happy new year! Here are 400 new songs
Posted by Webmaster, 26 Jan 15
Na brzinu smo dodali još 24 pjesama, nije to veliki broj ali je sve od Tonči Huljića i Madre Badesse.... uskoro i linkove na video spotove (ako ne stigne netko prije nas).. uživajte!
We've quickly added 24 more songs, it isn't a large number it is everything by Tonči Huljić and Madre Badessa... soon we will add the links to their videos (unless one of you beats us to it)... enjoy!
Posted by Webmaster, 24 Aug 14
Večeras je dodano još 350 pjesama... nadamo se da će biti još malo prije nego što počme školska godina... ako nešto tražite, javite nam, i ako imate neke stihove dodati našoj stranici pošaljite! Hvala!
Tonight another 350 songs were added... we hope that there will be more before the school year starts... if you are looking for something, contact us, and if you have any lyrics to add to our site please send them. Thanks!
Posted by Webmaster, 23 Aug 14
Evo! Prošli smo 10,000 pjesama!
Here you go! We've surprassed 10,000 songs!
Posted by Webmaster, 4 Aug 14
Sretna Nova Godina! Sa malim zakašnjenjem...
Happy New Year! Belated...
Posted by Webmaster, 29 Apr 14
Taman na vrijeme za Božić! Dodatak od 414 pjesama.... možda do nove godine dođemo do 10,000? Mi još imamo dosta starijeg materijala, bilo bi nam drago ako možete dati vaš doprinos s novijim pjesmama.... hvala!
Just in time for Christmas! An update of 414 songs... maybe by the new year we reach 10,000? We still have a lot of older material, we would appreciate if you could make your contribution if you have newer material.... thanks!
Posted by Webmaster, 22 Dec 13
Nakon malo više vremena, dodali smo još 270 pjesama, i mnogobrojne ispravke su napravljene. Ovih dana se sjetimo našega dragoga Vinka Coce koji je preminuo prošli mjesec. Mnogo će nam faliti, počivao u miru!
After some time, we've added 270 songs, and have made many corrections. These days we still remember our dear Vinko Coce who passed away last month. We will miss him dearly, may he rest in peace!
Posted by Webmaster, 7 Dec 13
Evo nas opet! Na brzinu smo dodali još 210 pjesama. S ovim dodatkom prešli smo 8876 pjesama. Zašto je taj broj znamenit? Prošle veljače kad smo preuredili stranice CroMusica bilo je na stranici 4438 pjesama. Za manje od godine i pol, dodali smo još toliko pjesama, počevši u ožujku 2012. Prije toga zadnji dodak koji je nas doveo do tog broja jest bio 8. listopada, 2006. Hvala svima koji su nam poslali stihove, ima još toga, i nadamo se da ćemo još moći dodati par stotinu pjesama prije nego što počme škola za par tjedana.
Here we are again! We've quickly added another 210 songs. With this addition we surpassed the 8876 song mark. Why is this number significant? Last February when we revamped the site there were 4438 songs. In less than a year and a half we have managed to double that number, starting in March 2012. Before that the last addition which brought us to that number was in October of 2006. Many thanks to everyone who sends us lyrics, there are many more to add, and we hope to add another several hundred before the school year begins.
Posted by Webmaster, 15 Aug 13
Mali dodatak, samo 200 i nekoliko pjesama...
A small addition, only 200 and some odd songs...
Posted by Webmaster, 13 Aug 13
Evo još hrpa pjesama dodano... za manje od mjesec dana ispravljene su pjesme pod slovo 'L'... preko 300 pjesama! Uskoro će biti još. Hvala još jednom svima koji šalju stihove.
Here's another pile of songs... in less than a month all the 'L' songs have been corrected... there are over 300 of them! Soon more will be added. Thank you once again to everyone who has been sending lyrics.
Posted by Webmaster, 7 Aug 13
Najbrži dodatak novih pjesama... za četiri dana sredili smo i dodali ih još skoro 300, i ispravili ih skoro 100. Uživajte u ovom ljetnom vremenu! Ako vam nešto ovdje fali, slobodno se javite! Najdraži izvođač? Pjesma?
Quickest addition of new songs... in four days we prepared and added nearly 300, and corrected nearly 100. Enjoy the summer weather! If there is anything missing here, feel free to contact us! Favourite artist? Song?
Posted by Webmaster, 9 Jul 13
Danas je dodano preko 300 pjesama. Sve pjesme što počimaju sa K su ispravljene.
Today over 300 songs were added. All songs starting with K have been proofread.
Posted by Webmaster, 5 Jul 13
Večeras smo dodali i ispravili preko 570 pjesama. U protekloj godini dodali smo preko 3000 pjesama. Velika hvala svim prijateljima CroMusica koji su poslali stihove... zahvaljujemo vam se na vašem doprinosu! Ako bilo što tražite i nemožete naći, slobodno nas kontaktirajte!
Tonight we've added or corrected another 570 songs. In the last year we've added over 3000 songs. A huge thank you to all of our friends who have contributed songs... your contributions are much appreciated! If you can't find a song you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Posted by Webmaster, 5 Apr 13
Evo, konačno! Prvi dodatak 2013., i prešli smo preko 7000 pjesama! I pjesme što počimaju sa J su ispravljene. K će uzeti malo duže, ima ih 439... ako netko ima viška vremena da to provjeri, javite se. :-)
Here you go! First addition of 2013, and we've surpassed 7000 songs! And songs starting with J have been proofread. K will take a bit longer, there are 439 songs... if anyone has some extra time to proofread, please contact us. :-)
Posted by Webmaster, 19 Feb 13
Evo vam! Preko 430 pjesama, sve u izvedbi osoba zgodnijeg spola... Također, pjesme s naslovima što počimaju sa I su ispravljeni... J će uzeti malo vremena (ima ih preko 300). Što tražite a nemožete naći ovdje? Javite nam.
Here you go! Over 430 songs, all performed by members of the more attractive gender... also, songs starting with I have been spell checked, J is going to take a bit of time (there are over 300). What are you looking for here but can't find? Let us know.
Posted by Webmaster, 14 Dec 12
Večeras je pravo proradio kutić što pokašuje najnovije dodane linkove. Osobe koje su došli do level broj 3 vidjeti će svoje dodatke odmah kad uvedu linkove. Ostali će to vidjeti kad webmaster provjeri link. Ovog vikenda dodati ćemo preko 430 pjesama, i to pod istom temom: pjevačice!
This evening the window for newly added links was fixed. Members who have reached level 3 will see their new links shown as soon as they add them, others will see theirs once the webmaster verifies the link. This weekend we add over 430 songs, all under a common theme: female singers!
Posted by Webmaster, 13 Dec 12
Evo nakon malo slavlja jučer i danas povodom oslobođenja naših generala, novi dodatak od skoro 500 pjesama. Ispravak tekstova nastavlja se; A do H je gotovo. Ako nađete greške, javite nam.
After a bit of celebrating yesterday and today for the release of our generals, here is an addition of nearly 500 songs. Spell check continues; A though H are done. If you find mistakes, let us know.
Posted by Webmaster, 17 Nov 12
Sprema se još jedan veliki broj pjesama za dodati, budite strpljivi! Sada kad tražite po izvođaču, vidjet ćete malu promjenu u listi... recite nam da li vam se sviđa!
We're getting another big pile of songs ready to add, please be patient! Now when you search by artist, you will see a change to the listing.. let us know what you think of it!
Posted by Webmaster, 21 Oct 12
Ispričavam se što me je uzelo ovako dugo za ovaj dodatak, ali evo vam još 440 pjesama. Logirajte se, i dajte malo diskusije!
I apologize for taking so long for this addition, but here you have another 440 songs. Log in, and let's see some discussions!
Posted by Webmaster, 6 Sep 12
Ako pratite stranicu, vidite da nema ništa novog već dva mjeseca, osim današnjeg updatea, gdje smo uveli linkove sa izvođače na njihovim stranicama na Tako će biti barem još mjesec, jer odlazim u Hrvatsku. Prije kraja kolovoza obećajem još jedan veliki dodatak, na vrijeme za početak nove školske godine. Imajte ugodno ljeto, i možda se vidimo na moru! Ako se igrate sa CroMusic, dodajte koji YouTube link. Hvala!
If you've been following the site, you will see nothing new for two months, except for today's update, where we've added links to the artists' pages n This is what the site will look like for at least a month, as I am going to Croatia. Before the end of August I promise another large addition, just in time for the start of the new school year. Have a great summer, and maybe we'll see you on the Adriatic! If you play with CroMusic, please add a few YouTube links. Thanks!
Posted by Webmaster, 6 Jul 12
Eto vam, još 456 pjesama! Uživajte! Ne zaboravite, ako želite vidjeti listu novododanih pjesmi, morate se registrirati i logirati.
Here you go, 456 new songs! Enjoy! Remember, if you want to see the list of newly added songs, you must register and login.
Posted by Webmaster, 3 May 12
Čuli smo da u nekim browserima teško je isprintati stihove radi novog plana našeg glazbenog portala. Stoga dodali smo novi link za print ne stranicama pjesmi. Uskoro: još preko 200 pjesama!
We have heard that in some browsers it is difficult to print lyrics because of the new layout of our music portal. Therefore, we have added a new print link to the lyrics pages. Coming soon: more than 200 new songs!
Posted by Webmaster, 15 Apr 12
Katastrofalni kvar računala ... ne brinite se! Ispravke i dopune se nastavljaju. Slobodno dodajte audio i video linkove ili komentare o vašim omiljenih pjesmama. Everything should work now.
Catastrophic computer crash... not to worry! Corrections and additions are continuing. Feel free to add audio and video links, or post comments about your favourite songs. Sve bi trebalo raditi sada.
Posted by Webmaster, 4 Apr 12
Vrime je da prođemo 5000 pjesama! Email funkcija trenutno ne radi, tako da sve nove članove smo automatski stavili na 2. nivou članstva. Slobodno dodajte svoje komentare i linkove na audio i video web stranice za vaše najdraže pjesme.
It's about time we surpassed 5000 songs! Email functionalty is not working, so we've automatically bumped all members to level 2 status. Please feel free to make comments or add links to audio and video files of your favourite songs.
Posted by Webmaster, 20 Mar 12
Uspjeh! Danas je dodano preko 330 pjesama. Uživajte! Uskoro još toliko, i više! Učlanite se! Članovi mogu vidjeti posebnu listu novo dodane pjesme.
Success! Today over 330 songs were added. Enjoy! Soon: that many more, and more! Register! Members can see the newly added list.
Posted by Webmaster, 5 Mar 12
Mala, ali važna promjena... ispravili smo abecedni red za hrvatska slova za liste po naslovima... za listovim po izvođačima bit će malo kompliciranije... strpite se malo! :-)
A small, but important change... we've corrected the alphabetical order to accommodate Croatian characters for the lists by title... for the lists by artist it will be a bit more complicated... be patient! :-)
Posted by Webmaster, 3 Mar 12
Da vas pitam... za koje pjevače, pjevačice, ili sastave najviše želite ovdje naći riječi? Pošaljite nam poruku koristeći formular pod kontakt.
Let me ask you... for which singer or band do you want find words? Send us a message using our contact form.
Posted by Webmaster, 28 Feb 12
Dobro jutro! Ispravljena je mala greška sa IE8. Ako vidite bilo šta javite.
Good morning! Fixed a glitch with IE8. If you seen any problems let me know.
Posted by Webmaster, 27 Feb 12
Proradilo je! Tražnja po izvođaču konačno radi, hvala vam na strpljenju! Tražite po ime sastava, ili prezimenu pjevača/pjevačice. Uskoro: preko 600 novih pjesama.
It works! Search by artist now works, thank you for your patience! Search by the name of the band, or by the last name of the singer. Coming soon: over 600 new songs.
Posted by Webmaster, 26 Feb 12
Zašto se registrirati? Članovi mogu sudjelovati u diskusijama i dati svoj doprinos. Također, članovi mogu dodati linkove za videa, audio datoteke, i ostalo. Uskoro ćemo i uskrsnuti "Antin Trenutni Top 10", gdje mogu samo članovi skidati MP3 datoteke, i spremamo još neka iznenađenja—ako niste član, nećete znati!
So why register? Members can participate in discussions and make their own contributions. As well, members can add links to videos, audio files, etc. Soon we will resurrect "Ante's Top 10 Today", where only members will be given the opportunity to download MP3 files. Plus we have more surprises on the way—if you're member, you'll never know!
Posted by Webmaster, 23 Feb 12
Dobrodošli! Skoro sve radi. Tražnja po izvođaču još ne radi (skoro!). S ovom obnovom još uvijek ima samo 4,400 pjesama. Uskoro ću dodati još tisuću, ako Bog da, prije kraja mjeseca. Ako imate vi koje pjesme što ne vidite ovdje, pošaljite ih.
Welcome! Almost everything works. Search by artist still doesn't work (almost!). With this overhaul there are still only 4,400 songs. I will soon add another thousand, God willing, before the end of the month. If you have any songs that you don't see here, please send them.
Posted by Webmaster, 20 Feb 12
Pjesme s naslovima koji počimaju sa slovima A do Ć smo stavili kroz ručnu provjeru pravopisa, još jedan od mojih "projekata na strani"... idemo dalje kad imam vremena. Ako nađete bilo koju grešku, slobodno nam pošaljite ispravak!
Songs with titles beginning with the letters A through Ć have been put through a manual spell check, another one of my "projects on the side"... we continue when we have time. If you find any errors in the songs, please feel free to send us corrections!
Posted by Webmaster, 16 Feb 12
Nakon mnogo godina, obnovili smo izgled stranice. Navigacija je još uvijek slična, samo za sada potraga po izvođaču ne radi. I to će uskoro preraditi, a imamo i još neke iznenade za vas! Ako niste već, učlanite se, i prošetajte malo našim novim stranicama!
After many years, we have updated the look of the pages. Navigation is still similar, however the search by artist still does not work. That will work soon, and we have more surprises for you! If you haven't already, register with us, and take a look at our new pages!
Posted by Webmaster, 1 Feb 12
Broj pjesama Number of songs | : 17,541 |
Video: Kreni gardo, added by Anter11
Video: Dobre su i kune, added by mladenr
Video: Razigrani doro, added by webmaster
Video: Ti si pjesma moje duše, added by webmaster
Video: Samo anđeli znaju, added by webmaster
Video: Selo moje malo, added by webmaster
Video: Moja tajna ljubavi, added by webmaster
Video: Moja tajna ljubavi, added by webmaster
Video: Požurite, konji bijeli, added by webmaster
Video: Tiha noć, added by webmaster
Video: Ti si pjesma moje duše, added by webmaster
Video: Svi pjevaju, ja ne čujem, added by webmaster
Video: Sutra mi sude, added by webmaster
Video: Slušaj majko moju pjesmu, added by webmaster
Video: Proplakat će zora, added by webmaster
Video: Pozdravi ženu plave kose, added by webmaster
Video: Odvest ću te na vjenčanje, added by webmaster
Video: Odavno više ne plačem, added by webmaster
Video: Noćas ćemo zemlji ko materi reći, added by webmaster
Video: Nikoga nisam volio tako, added by webmaster