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Broken fingers
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Broken fingers
Keep on rowing with the broken finger
Write the message on the water
Something that belongs to the river
Spreda the ashes across the border
And every sulk is less than whisper
Let it linger for a moment
Keep on rowing with the broken finger
'cuz your story is far from over

Over the hills, over the frozen mountains
I wasn't your shield, 'cuz I left you so unguarded
Over the hills where secrets remain unspoken
Keep rowing in peace, your story is far from over

I'll keep singing with the broken whisper
My confessions, my excuses
And every word is like a trigger
Like a mirror and shows no mercy
How can we remain believers?
Two believers in this moment
Keep on rowing with a broken finger
'cuz your story is far from over

Over the hills, over the frozen mountains
I wasn't your shield, 'cuz I left you so unguarded
Over the hills where secrets remain unspoken
Keep rowing in peace, your story is far from over

Keep rowing in peace, your story is far from over

Over the hills, over the mountains...


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