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CroMusic User Registration

New Registration
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Retype Email:
Password: at least 8 chars
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User levels

Level 1
Unverified user
User has registered but has not yet verified their membership by clicking on the link in the email. Osoba je ispunila formular ali još nije provjerila članstvo sa pritiskom na link u emailu.
Level 2
Verified user
User has clicked on link their email, can now post moderated links and comments. Osoba je otišla na link u email, sada mogu dodati moderirane linkove i komentare.
Level 3
Regular contributor
User has contributed enough links and comments to site and can now post in real time. Osoba je doprinjela dovoljno linkova i komentara i sada mogu uživo dodati postove.
Level 4
Site sub-moderator
User can moderate posts to assist the webmaster. Osoba može provjerati postove da pomogne webmasteru.
Level 5
Site webmaster
There is only one... for now. :-) Samo je jedan... za sad. :-)