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Summer night
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Summer night
Summer lovin' had me a blast summer lovin', happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me I met a boy, cute as can be
Summer days driftin' away, to uh-oh those summer nights

Tell me more, tell me more, did you get very far
Tell me more, tell me more, like, does he have a car

She swam by me, she got a cramp he went by me, got my suit damp
I saved her life, she nearly drowned - he showed off, splashing around
Summer sun, something's begun, but uh-oh those summer nights

Tell me more, tell me more, was it love at first sight
Tell me more, tell me more, did she put up a fight

Took her bowlin' in the Arcade - we went strollin', drank lemonade
We made out under the dock - we stayed out until ten o'clock
Summer fling don't mean a thing, but uh-oh those summer nights

Tell me more, tell me more, that you don't got her preg
Tell me more, tell me more, cause he sounds like a drag

He got friendly, holdin' my hand well she got friendly, down in the sand
He was sweet, just turned eighteen well she was good, you know what I mean
Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but uh-oh those summer nights

Tell me more, tell me more, how much dough did he spend
Tell me more, tell me more, could she get me a friend

It turned colder, that's where it ends so I told her we'd still be friends
Then we made our true love vow wonder what she's doin' now
Summer dreams ripped at the seams, but oh, those summer nights

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