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Angel wing
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Angel wing
Like the last chance, like an answer to my prayers
You reached into the mud and pulled me out of there
I was lost in fog and now everything is clear
You gave me strength and hope, reborn that's how I feel

You touched me from the sky with your angel wing
You fell into my arms like a precious gift
It's hard to believe you belong to me
I was blind for love, but you made me see
Yes, you made me see

I was lost in fog and now everything is clear
You gave me strength and hope, reborn that's how I feel

You touched me from the sky with your angel wing
You fell into my arms like a precious gift
Now it's hard to believe you belong to me
I was blind for lifetime, but you made me see

There is nothing I can't do when you're here beside me
I can fly across the sky, you're the reason why

You touched me from the sky with your angel wing
You fell into my arms like a precious gift
Now it's hard to believe you belong to me
I was blind for love, but you made me see
Yes, you made me see
Alen Nižetić

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