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Božićna noć
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Božićna noć

Ding ding dong
Čudan zvonac zvon
U ritmu cijelom svijetu zvoni
Svaka kuća svaki dom
Sad svi ruke gore
Nek' se čuje zvon
Ding dong dididamdididong
Budi tu uz nas
I nek' se čuje glas
Nek' se čuje jasno i nek' se čuje glasno
Da u miru i dobru
Trebamo svi pomoći
Stigla nam je tiha noć

Čestit božić dobrim ljudima
I sretna nova nova godina
Čestit božić dobrim ljudima
I sretna nova nova godina


Ding ding dong
Here comes the song
With Colonia in
Comin' all strong
Just lift your hand in the air
Ding dong dididamdididong
Hear a girl, boy, woman or a man
Just sing with us
The best you can
Singing and dancing
Is not a train
Just in the world is Christmas time

Merry Christmas wish you everyone
And a happy happy new year
Merry Christmas wish you very well
And a happy happy new year

Čestit božić dobrim ljudima
I sretna nova nova godina
Čestit božić dobrim ljudima
I sretna nova nova godina
Merry Christmas wish you everyone
And a happy happy new year
Merry Christmas wish you everyone
And a happy happy new year

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